Looking at the data and conclusions on this web site, one can conclude women are affected by advertisements and commercials. We conclude that women struggle with trying to prove that they are more than the sum of their parts: big breasts and long legs. They struggle with trying to prove they each have a mind of their own. These struggles have spawned feminist groups all over the world who are tired of being seen as sex objects and housewives. They want something done. The dismemberment of a woman's body has a great significance on her self esteem, her overall well-being, and her security in life. We, the consumers, can stop the dismemberment of women in advertising. When we buy products that use these tactics, we encourage such disgusting and disrespectful actions. Advertisers feel as long as it is a successful strategy then why stop the practice of dismemberment in advertising. They understand what they do with these ads by dismembering human beings, but since no one really complains it has not been an important issue for them. By creating this webpage, we hope to inform others about how we should change the advertisement industry. They sell products all the time without using dismemberment, so why do they do it? Because advertisers have discovered it makes money! So why quit? Have you looked at this webpage!! This is why we are researching this topic, because no one realizes the problem of dismemberment or what it is.

Sites About Dismemberment
Beauty and the Beast of Advertising
by Jean Kilbourne
by Clea Simon
by J. Bottum
Sexism and Sexuality in Advertising
by Michael F. Jacobsen and Laurie Anne Mazur
Related Web Pages
Effects of Gender in Teaching
Gender Differences in Communication
Gender Roles in Children Advertising
Gender Roles in Cyberspace
Gender Roles and Toys
Gender Stereotypes in Ads
Objectification of Males in Advertising
Passive Girls, Aggressive Boys
Women Affected by Advertising: Control Issue